Time-Saving Strategies Boosts Productivity of FMCG Distributor


Order accuracy




Closing time



In a day, easily I can say, we saved 4-5 hours and we can spend more time on business productivity

Let's travel through the journey of the FMCG Distributor who upgraded his business operations from manual to digital with the help of Distributo and saved 4-5 hours per day.

Prior Challenges

Cumbersome daily routines

Sudheendra is a middle-aged man who had been in the distribution business of FMCG products for many years. He had built up a loyal customer base and a good reputation in the market. However, he found himself constantly bogged down by the daily routine of business operations.

The process of taking orders from customers and preparing them for delivery was cumbersome and time-consuming. He and the team had to manually process stacks of order forms like preparing picking lists, packing lists and more. This process involved checking the orders for accuracy and making sure that the correct items were being packed for each customer. That required the input of two staff members. As he recalls,


The picking list was done manually and checked by two people. It was time-consuming, there was a clerical error, and it was not 100% accurate. Sometimes staff made mistakes. It was very time-consuming, loading also consumes time, and supplies become delayed. Staff had to work till 11 pm or even later.

These processes lead to delays in loading and delivery. That resulted in his business work stretching well into the late hours of the night. Despite their best efforts, errors still occurred in the process. Sometimes customers receive the wrong items or incorrect quantities. Sudheendra understood that he needed to find a solution to these issues in order to continue to grow the business.


Breaking free from monotonous routines

That's when he decided to invest in software to manage business operations. Then he found Distributo and implemented it. He spent several days researching and testing various software options before settling on one that met his needs. The implementation of software had a huge impact on his business.

With the new system in place, salesmen were able to enter orders directly into the system using Mobile Sales App. This eliminated the need for manual entry and reduced the risk of errors. The system also automated the billing, picking and packing process, ensuring that the correct items were being packed for each customer. He puts it,


Staff used to come at midnight 11 pm. Right now they are coming back at 7.30 pm. All work will be done and we are able to close the office by 9 O’clock.

He was able to process orders much more quickly and accurately, which improved customer satisfaction and led to increased sales. From invoice printouts to delivery, the system completely simplified daily processes. It freed up his time to focus on other aspects of business, such as productivity and growth.

Business Booms

Maximise productivity with more time

With improved efficiency and productivity, Sudheendra was able to save five hours in office operations, a significant amount of time for a distributor looking to focus on business growth. He credits Distributo's support and care for his success, saying,


It's just like the mother care. Whenever the issue arises, they are resolving it. Sometimes if a major issue comes, max-max they take day 1 or 2. Even if they take the time, they give end solution for that.

He found the dashboard, picking list, and price checks to be incredibly helpful for his business, and was happy that Distributo was always there to provide an end-to-end solution to any issues that arose.

Sudheendra highly recommends Distributo for its user-friendliness and simplicity. He believes that distribution businesses can benefit greatly from using Distributo and that they should not hesitate to make the switch. He puts it


They can move ahead (with Distributo). If they have the time they need to waste the time and money means they search and can go here & there and they can come back afterwards.

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