From Humble Beginnings to 200X Growth: An Inspiring Journey of a Bengaluru Distributor


Revenue growth


Total SKUs


Growth period



When we started with Distributo, we are 1 brand, and now we are sitting with 6. I would have grown on monthly revenue, around 200X.

Let's explore the journey of Kishore, an F&B distributor who achieved a remarkable 200x growth in monthly revenue within three years with the help of Distributo.

Prior Challenges


In 2020, Kishore ran a distribution business with a single brand and a vision for success. He was well aware that scaling the business would come with its own set of challenges and wanted to be prepared for those. He firmly believed that constantly working on operational inefficiencies including sales, outstanding payments, market trends, customers, and inventory levels would hinder the business's growth.

Kishore understood that to be successful and stay ahead in the market, one needs to approach business differently from others.

With the sights set on expansion, he understood the need for investment in a reliable solution that could take care of the challenges and provide clear reports on business operations like sales, outstanding, inventory, and more. Kishore said,


We wanted something which could give us more clarity than what accounting software would.

He was determined to find a solution beyond just ordinary accounting software and sought a system that could provide more transparency and simplify daily business tasks, allowing him to save time and focus on business growth.



After conducting thorough research, he found Distributo, a software designed to manage distribution business operations and was impressed with the results after implementing it.

With Distributo, he was able to take complete control of the business and manage it with ease. Gone were the days of worrying about operational inefficiencies in the business.

One of the most significant advantages of Distributo is its ability to simplify every aspect of the business process, from order-taking to order fulfilment. As he explained,


The moment salesman punches an order at 12’O clock for example, or 3’O clock, that is captured. We have waves here. Pick list is generated from the system and SKU-based sorting happens.

As a distributor handling multiple brands, he found the filter option in Distributo field sales app extremely helpful. With just a few clicks, the team could sort through hundreds of products based on brand or product category. This not only saved the time but also minimised the chances of errors.

He improved the productivity of the sales team with visit tracking and resolved the communication gap between staff with transaction status updates.


We use Distributo full-fledged from sales to back-end operations; to inventory keeping and in terms of any detailed metrics like consumption parameter, etc., he proudly declared.

He found the dashboards in the software to be incredibly helpful, providing valuable insights into their sales, collections, returns, and more at various levels. He stressed the importance of data analysis in business, explaining that he downloads at least 10 reports a day to make informed sales decisions. As a result, he was able to take the business to new heights and streamline every aspect of the process.

Business Booms


Informed sales decisions and streamlined business operations contributed to the success of the business. Armed with Distributo, Kishore navigated the complex world of distribution and poured his heart and soul into the work.

Despite initial struggles, persistence paid off and monthly revenue increased by 200 times in just three years. He expanded the business to include six different brands, doubling warehouse size. The business now handles an impressive 2100 SKUs, which is a significant increase from the previous 60 SKUs.

Reflecting on his journey, he proudly shares his experience with Distributo,


Whenever I have discussions with brands, the conscious image that I have inside my head is of Distributo's dashboard. I expect the brand to provide that sort of dashboard.

Kishore is happy with the level of support and care provided by Distributo, rating it a perfect 10/10 for transparency and issue resolution. He highly recommends Distributo to anyone in the distribution business, saying,


Distributo is a one-stop solution in terms of understanding where my capital is deployed and for any distributor that becomes fundamental. You don't need an accountant, anybody who has basic education can go ahead and use Distributo.

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